What Controversial Indian Politicians Teach Entrepreneurs

Bangalore: Government is very similar to a huge enterprise, with citizens as the customers and politicians as the entrepreneurs. Great political figures like Winston Churchill and Jawaharlal Nehru have been admired for their profound people management and skills to inspire peers to achieve greatness.

With immense experience in managing revenue worth billion dollars and brain-storming millions of people in the crowd, common traits found in politicians have helpful lessons and can be the source of inspiration for sprouting entrepreneurs. Crowdspring has listed lessons that entrepreneurs can derive from politics and the successful politicians.

Here are the 10 great success tips for your startup.

1. Compete like you never did

Politics is one of the toughest fields to survive. You must have seen those lavish political campaign rallies through cramped streets and market places. Though a system to administer and execute laws, politics can be a dark and lawless land with cut throat competition. Even under such condition politicians never lay back and fight with sheer zeal and competition with every inch. Such power holds the dedication and love for the chair. Without competition and hard work, survival in politics or any industry for that matter is impossible.